Sermon – April 26, 2020

I am anxious to share with you what has a been challenging, enlightening and uplifting for me this past week. As I read the lessons and meditations and put them in perspective it seems to me we are all anxious about the current challenges facing us. What will happen next? Will there be a solution found and made available to reduce the fears being dealt with each day? It seems there are consistent updates on how those affected by the virus are fairing. Is there a common focus that is providing an uplifting posture for us? We are told the doctors and scientists are working hard and fervently to find a cure. We see how many agencies and communities are coming together to ensure help is available to those in need. However, this all speaks to me as an opportunity to rediscover what today’s lessons present. A reaffirmation that, during the most trying times, if we really allow ourselves to sit and listen to our hearts, we are not alone or forgotten. In our first reading Peter affirms how simple and inviting it is to become a child of God. The steps are, and remain, easy to understand and accept. And are for all who wish to accept and embrace His love.

As our second reading continues to provide us with the glorious story of Christs passion and His embrace of all who come to Him, even in todays circumstances that are less than calming or pleasing. To say the least the distraction of current events could easily cause us to miss the opportunity to recognize, practice and celebrate our relationship with Jesus. As the disciples found on the trip to Emmaus, God can be present when we need His words the most and reveals His presence when the time is right. We do tend to be distracted by hysteria, anger, fear but if we can hold on to the compassion and love provided to us by our Savior, even the most scary things can be dealt with. As we practice the most awesome gifts we have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, the sacraments of Holy Communion and baptism shout out God is with us and always opens His arms when we need Him the most. Be comforted that we will get through these times and as we have already embraced the guidance given to us by Peter and all the disciples our hearts can shout HE IS RISEN and our future is bright.

My prayer for us all today is that we take the time to recognize, accept and share the gifts we are given even in the most trying of times.

May the blessing of God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with us and remain with us today and always.