” … where your treasure Is, there will your heart be also (Luke 12/34).”
Heaven is where God makes his presence manifest- on Sinai or Hermon, Tabor or Calvary. Then we will know the treasure and our hearts. It can be, also, places of glory or emptiness or death, a place where we can see the shekinah glory descending or even the place where devils gather. These are the places of trembling. I have a sense of awe and wonder as he reveals himself in blinding glory or in the darkness, even the darkness of my heart which is being revealed gradually. It is a call away from my writing and communicating to a more primitive condition as a stranger and wanderer after whatever it is that I need to learn. I have not learned what I need to learn. In my case, it seems that I need some illumination. From there I expect more communion with God. The call of the desert has drawn me into solitude that has brought me closer to people in the silence of God. This I recognize is a place I believe is my own. If my basic human experience helps you to seek a desert scrutiny of your own, then I have achieved my purpose.
The life of a Christian is a story of a pioneer … even to the desert which all people must eventually go. Every Christian needs to come to his flowering in the wind of the Spirit. We must do it to affirm ourselves and to realize that our lives are good and worthwhile.