Category: Meditations

  • Meditation – January 23, 2022

    Luke 4:21 Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

    Imagine being in the synagogue as Jesus reads from the scroll containing the words from the prophet Isaiah. I wonder what it must have felt like to hear Jesus proclaim his cause to the poor, the blind, and the oppressed. After he rolls up the scroll, he sits down with all eyes on him. Upon hearing Jesus speak for the marginalized, the scripture is fulfilled.

    This passage illustrates the power of speaking something into existence and the importance of receiving words meant to liberate and humanize those on the margins. When we tell stories of triumph and not only of sacrifice and pain, we humanize the marginalized; when we listen and respond to their witness, we experience the fulfillment of scripture. We can champion the cause of the poor, the blind, and the oppressed by honoring the truth of God’s words.

    MOVING FORWARD: Who have you championed lately?

  • Waiting


    As I sat and studied the readings for today my mind took me back to a time and place that I am not sure how I would have been feeling or acting. In the past two days we have seen our Lord provide us an example of love, give us a new commandment to love one another, be betrayed by one of His most trusted, tried, beaten, scorned, crucified and buried. What must be going through the hearts and minds of the disciples. Confusion, fear, absolute disbelief. Kind of like what we are feeling today with the Covid-19 situation. We are holding on to our faith and following the directions given to us by our medical professionals but still feel separated and disconnected from our families and friends. What we know however is there is a time coming that will bring us back together. My prayers for us all is to be patient, comforting, strong and grace filled as we walk these days being supported by the Holy Spirit and knowledge we are never alone. Your clergy are available and remember Christ proclaimed “I am with you always even unto the end of the age”. Have an awesome Easter and know God is with us.

    Peace and Chocolate