Sermon – June 14, 2020

Christian Bible

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 6
Year A
June 14, 2020

First Reading: Genesis 18:1-15; [21:1-7]
Psalm 116:1, 10-17
Second Reading: Romans 5:1-8
Gospel: Matthew 9:35-10:8. [9-23]

Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

 Compassion and Forgiveness

Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus, gives the twelve disciples following him, instructions: “Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Proclaiming the good news, the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

The lesson is a narrative summery of Jesus’ activities and ministry. He is a teacher, healer and a proclaimer of good news for all the people.

He tells his disciples, that the Spirit of your Father is speaking through you!

I will admit, I am not a very good evangelist…I have always struggled with going up to perfect strangers and telling them about the good news of Jesus Christ. 

If someone should approach me, I am good with it and have no problem telling them how much Jesus loves you.

But, on that note, how do we change the face of the world? How do we help heal the world?  

It is not just a few people that need healing, it is all countries around the world…somedays it appears we are losing the fight.

I do not want to believe that we are all lost. 

In the past couple of months we saw the very best in people, during the Corona virus we witnessed, people standing up and leaning out their windows clapping for the Doctors, Nurses and all health care people, they also were thanking the police, first responders and firefighters, all putting their lives on the line to save others.

Everyone stepping up to feed people and helping people who lost their jobs knowing they had no way of feeding their families.

In an instant, things changed and we saw the worst in people…. but! people fighting again for social injustice, wanting and demanding change.

Mr. George Floyd, should not have died that day. The pouring of outrage was understandable and everyone felt compassion for him and his family. 

I personally…imagined Jesus laying on the ground with him, with his arms around him, holding him and saying, I got you George, you will be in paradise with me today.

In order to feel as Jesus felt, we need to feel compassion. The Greek verb translated,

“felt compassion”, is used often in the Gospels. It is related to a noun meaning, “inward parts.”

Changes start here… (pointing to my heart). Changes start inwardly and flows outward to those who suffer. 

“Jesus saw the crowd and he had compassion on them”

Paul’s letter to the (Colossians 3:12-13) As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord’ has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.


All our decisions should be on the teaching of Jesus Christ, not on leaders of social groups or political parties.

The only way to bring people to a life that will lead us to salvation, is to evangelize and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is not our place to judge or condemned or punish, but to love, forgive and spread kindness and compassion on “All God’s people” regardless of race and background. Jesus says it is up to us, or duty as Christian’s is to teach and spread the love of Christ.

Martin Luther King says, “I have decided to stick to love, hate is to great a burden.”

And it starts right here. (pointing to my heart)

Turning ourselves to the Devine, we will experience an unbelievable stirring of the soul and awaking of the soul. Our soul needs to be Christ like.

We cannot heal the world until we heal ourselves.

St Augustine of Hippo, “The soul is restless until it rests in Thee”

Let your soul rest in Christ Jesus and embrace Gods grace and forgiveness and be kind to each other, have compassion for each other and teach compassion and forgiveness.

Good news:

“The Gospel lessons of peace, love, compassion, truth, understanding, and positive activism are all things that transform our lives.” And the scriptures lead us to our Salvation. 

Rev. Lola